Dare To Love and Be Loved

I look at my self and I ask my self, do I know what love is. I reach out to Love and I think I have found Love.
Only to end up hurt by what I think Love should be.  Once again my heart has falling apart by what I think is Love should be.  The thing about Love is that we get it Mix up with Lust!   Lust is a Killer it rush you into a Fire that is OUT OF CONTROL!!   Dare to Love and Be Loved is something that most of us fall so short on.  I guess if I really gave my self time to understand who I was and what I wanted not in you, but in me.  I would, yes, "Dare to Love and Be Loved, it's funny that our whole life we hear about Love.   Yet never  do we understand that if  I cant wait on Love and not let "Lust" take over then I really have, what it takes to Love and Be Loved!   I have had time to learn me.  I'm HAPPY about that" it brings me so much JOY! 

I have learn to use my mind and not my "BODY"  I'v also learn to use time, for the Good of me and who God has bless me with.  Was it easy NO WAY!   But when you give God a chance to teach you, that there is a better way to live, you gain so much HOPE and LOVE in LIFE.   Deare to  Love and be Loved, that's what I learn form a God that is just that "LOVE!   If you dont know who you are, I hope you will wait? 
Dont let "Lust hurt you are that parson that is on Fire!   I Dare to Love and be Loved want about you?


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