Hey Girl

Hey Girl!
They call me hey girl when I pass by.  Hey girl can I walk with you, hery girl can I get your number?   They call me hey girl ,never looking up at my face.  If they did look up, then my eyes
would tell them that's not my name!     They call me hey girl no matter what I have on, they never
look up at my face, to see the tears that form.   I hate walking by them that hang on a corner with
nothing better to do, then call me hey girl as I walk by.   My mama gave me a name and that's who
I am.  I'll never let you pull me down with your train of thought, of  hey girl.   Yes, I am a girl that is and yet, becoming a woman.   I'm powerful and I stand for who I am, and for who I want to become.
You look at my hips and my behind and yes I know what you see!  I am shape up well but that, is only part of me.  I want be your hey girl, never in a million years!!  You and your dirty thoughts is not a turn on for me.  "Oh" yes, I hear you say I'm on my high horse, and maybe I am.  I"ll never be a hey girl, because  I am "FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY" made by GOD!   My name is wirtten in the LAMBS book of Life.   My name is not hey girl, my name is Alisa and Angela,Bernice,Cheryl, just to name a few!    You better WATCH OUT FOR ME!!    "NO", I'm not your hey girl.


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