It's Long Over Due.

It's long over due, I have let my life pass me by day after day, year after yare.  So much time that I have wasted looking for some one else, to make me happy giving so much of my self to some one who didn't even know them self.  Not knowing I was so un healthy I cloud not understand that It, was me. You only do the things that you know to do, you can only become what you know.  If mess is all  around you, than there is a fight, a fight that has to come from you.  Fighting to get out of  the dark place, that has closed in on you.   It's long over due it's my time, It's long over due yes it's my time, to live to in joy what has pass me by for so long.  I have taken back control over who I was to become and I can say that "IF IT HAD NOT BEEN FOR THE LORD" on my side, I would have been consumed by the pain and hurt and disappointment, time and time again it  wanted  to take from me.  It's long over due I was "Waiting on God ....Ha" It was God who was waiting on me to become, to become who he has called me to be.  I'm a woman that can fly yes like a eagle and I'm free to sing like no other.  No longer  will  I say, Can She Be Heard, I will be heard. It's long over due no more games with my self . It's long over due who will stop me you?  No I dont think you want to stand in my way I know who I am!!!  I'm strong an this I know I have so much to give Jesus put it in me.  It was there I had to find it.  It's long over due.


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