
Showing posts from 2010

Part 2 None Of Them Got Daddies.

And a lot of cases baby that, are born don't have daddies because of the, mothers. A lot of the mothers sleep with so many men and don't know who the baby daddy is. This is no new story this thing has "Roots". It has to come from some where and some one! I know First hand about this, my mother died with out knowing who her daddy was. My grand mother went to her grave with out telling us, who our grand father is or was. Maybe it was because she was rape or may be she slept with more, than one man. This is a generation curse for my family and other families. None of them got daddies is it moms fault, is it daddies fault? My kids don't have there father in there lives, they don't know about there daddy. My dad was not in my life, he died when I was 11 years old. My dad didn't live in the same house. Now I look up and my grand kids don't have there fathers either. Yes hear we go again "None of them got Daddies!

None Of Them Got Daddies.

I all ways wonder why a man, never stay around to look after his seed. The seed that he help plant, a long with the woman. This goes on a lot with black men. But I come to know, that this root did not come from a black man! It came from the white man. Back in slavery days the white man who would go inside of a black woman. She would take his seed that he would leave. This man would never be a daddy to the seed that he planted inside of her. This thing grew and it grew with our black men. But this did not come from them. None them Got Daddies it sad to see and say. None Of Them Got Daddies they will never know his name. Why is it so easy to walk away from the life, that you help make? None Of Them Got Daddies to shape in to a grown man or woman. A man becomes a father to his seed, then he's gone. He will never become a daddy to the seed because he's not there! So how can some of us say Happy Father Day. When None Of Them Got Daddies.

Love Called My Name

I heard my name called out. with such much passion, yes Love called my name! So sweet the sound it made when Love called me Bridget. Love called me by my name it's as if it has known me all my life! Tall and dark Love makes me Beautiful again, this time Love came for me. It took a long time to hear Love call my name. So many times I got the wrong call. And it would hurt over and over again. But this Love called me with such tenderness and warmth that makes me fell like, I'm a supper woman! Love talks to me and we talk very deep. Oh yes this Love called and I answered soft and sweet. Love called my name and I'm glad, Love makes me smile and I feel like I'm 20 years old. New and fresh Love called me Bridget! Love ask me lady were have you been? I told Love I was yet beeing made. Made to know this time when Love calls my name it would be from God, throw God,by God, for God! This Love is for the up building, of the Kingdom of our Lord and Savor Jesus. This Lov...


Happy comes from a moment of time, things that happen in some ones life. I'm happy because things are going my way. Is this true happiness,NO it is not! I'm happy because I have learn my, self worth! Yes when you can look in my eyes and see them dance. When I'm free to smile from with in and there's a warmth, that comes from me. Happy to be Me, happy to know Me, happy to like Me yes happy to love Me. Happy fellings in the air, happy people every were. Happy because I'm strong, happy because I'm smart. Happy because my kids bring laughter to me! Happy comes with a prices, that you have to fight for. I'm happy because of the JOY that only, comes form our Lord and Savor Jesus. This makes me stand tall and this is were my strength comes from. Happy to live and Love again. Happy to let go of my past. Happy to see my feature!! Happy to know that the days ahead of me, or greater then the days behind me!!! Happy looks good on me and it fits like a gl...

Behind Every Man There's A Good Woman.

They say behind every man there's a good woman. What happen's if the woman is the one that is , holding every thing down? Shouldn't it also be, behind every woman there's a good man? What is a good woman, what is a good man? Do we really know that a good man or a good woman, can stand on there own. A good man takes care of his house hole, he see to every thing. He never takes from his woman. The word of God tell us, "A man that find a wife, he finds a good thing and has favor in the lord. Why is that? She becomes his good thing and when it's good it's good right. Yes but when it's bad man he can make her, fell so very bad. That is NOT GOOD. We shouldn't let this define our love, or who we are. Behind each other is the right thing. He fight for her and takes a, stand for his woman. She fight for him and she takes, a stand for her man. But I got to tell you, If you got a man and he is a taker! You need to let that gooooo!...

Am I Awake.

So many things are going on, all around me. Will things get better? Will people stop to ask them self, what can I say or do? Love is slipping away by the min. Earth quakes are going on every were. I ask my self Am I Awake? Am I Awake to make a change. Am I Awake to help the helpless? I don't have the answers, to every thing. But I do know something is coming. Am I Awake to be on the look out, for sorrow times are up on us. Right now they are working on, how to change the money over, to a finger print. Who's Awake to know that the end is near! I'm not trying to pull you down no, the world dose that every day. I just want to know who is Awake. If you are Awake then you know that Jesus is standing up. Want be long now. Am I Awake I hope so, working hard by the grace of God. New mercy I see every day no time to sleep, No One Has Time to waste. Things that are going to happen in the world, will not happen to Gods people. Am I Awake yes I am, I look for his retur...

What's The Cost.

Who knew or knows the cost of life. Who can pay for life,love and freedom. We look for love and other people and a lot of us never find what we hope for. The cost of love should be for our Lord and Savior but he's the last one we reach out to. I'll never know the cost of his love for me, I know that it cost him his blood. To be real with my self would be letting Jesus in and letting him teach me the cost. But because I can't see Him, I fight against what I can't see. So I turn to what I can see and holed on, this cost me "BIG TIME.". The cost is not cheap because I end up with so mush sadness. When it's so much easier to open up to Jesus. Who payed the cost? It wasn't me it wasn't you. We walk around like every one kneeds us. When we are in kneed of the same thing, the world is in kneed of. Jesus is the Cost and I'm glad he called my name. The BLOOD of Jesus was the "COST."

Jesus Loves Me To Make It

I heard that it's been said you made it by a wing and a prayer. Some how I can't go along with this. Some times you can't pray some times, you don't know how to pray. There are times you just can't find the words. When your in a hard place and you need a word, it's not the wing and a prayer, that helps you to make it over. You got to know that Jesus Loves me to make it! That's how I made it that's how you are making it. Jesus Loves me to make it, over everything that stood or stands in my way. He knows me Jesus knows, when my back is up against the wall and I'm at my weaks. His Love comes in and He Loves me to make it. Jesus Loves me to make it when I can't see my way. Even when I want to give up, His Love helps me to make it. Yes Jesus Loves me to make it. It was Jesus prayer in the garden of gethsemane He prayed a pray that know man could pray. Yes even then in His darkest hour Jesus yet, Loves me to make it. He was yet t...

To Day I Fly

To day I fly I fly high above my pain. When I think about my pain, it no longer holes me down. I've learned to take what I need and take what I want. Now that doesn't mean that I'm stepping on people, I'm just not letting people step on me. To day I fly the sun is bright and it's all over me, my hopes my dreams are standing right before me. Every thing about me I now love,to day I fly because I am loved by me and my family, I say me first because it about me, my life no one else. To day I fly in to the wind and I see all that's before me. The Lord Jesus is with me all the way, how do you think I cloud have made it, with everything that been against me. I'm not going to talk about money why should I. God has opened up some big doors for me. I learned how to "REPOSITION my self, To day I fly tomorrow will just have to wait, wait on me. I'll see you when I get there and I will get there. But to day I FLY.

It's Long Over Due.

It's long over due, I have let my life pass me by day after day, year after yare.  So much time that I have wasted looking for some one else, to make me happy giving so much of my self to some one who didn't even know them self.  Not knowing I was so un healthy I cloud not understand that It, was me. You only do the things that you know to do, you can only become what you know.  If mess is all  around you, than there is a fight, a fight that has to come from you.  Fighting to get out of  the dark place, that has closed in on you.   It's long over due it's my time, It's long over due yes it's my time, to live to in joy what has pass me by for so long.  I have taken back control over who I was to become and I can say that "IF IT HAD NOT BEEN FOR THE LORD" on my side, I would have been consumed by the pain and hurt and disappointment, time and time again it  wanted  to take from me.  It's long over due I was "Waiting on God ....


She takes her place in the woman, that She has now become. No one can tell her who's she is. SHE know's were she came from and she know's were she's going. She won't look back She became strong throw all the beat downs of her life. She stood throw all the hurt an pain,stood throw being talk about from love ones and beeing misunderstood over and over again. She over came all of those things that for so long stood in her way. She learned that I'm every thing that's great and sweet and beautiful in life. She has gained strength throw her weakness. She learn how to give her self love. She sees her self worth an stand with her head held high She fells good and her life is new. SHE will be heard in so many ways. Can she be heard? "Yes indeed She became Me.

Who gives life

Male gives life female carries the life, each of them that take care of this life. It's the woman that has giving so much of her self to this life.  I'm not saying that man has not giving much of him self to this life.  But what I will say is that it  is always momma baby an daddy maybe, maybe I will keep my kid to night, maybe I will spend time with them or maybe I will take them some where. I just might spend money on them this time. The woman always has to stand the test of time with the life that has came in to the world, she can't walk away or can she?  If she dose then she will be known as a no good B*#* an you know the rest of that story.  She can't live it down know body will let her.  But he can walk away an never look back, never make a phone call or send money on "HIS own SEED".  Funny how that gose life, life that we bring into the world when we are making love or ha...


Love is a simple  word.   Love is a word that people say weather they mean it ,may take some time.   If I say I love you, an it's  just on my lips who am I trying to fool.  Love, has it been good to you,or has it been a hurting thing?   " Love is humble an it's so sweet to those who use it with tender care.  Love is a action word an it comes with respect.  If you respect love,  should't  love respect you?    You have to look at the person that you have in your life that's telling you, "I Love You"  Love will bring you joy not pain.  Love will fell your hart with so much life.  Love gives all that it has to give and it will all ways give it's "Best".  It will never take from you an leave you hurting.  Love all ways meet your needs.   "Love takes  out  time to find out who you are, an what can make you be the best in life.  Remember if you are good to love , love will be...

Can She.

Can she in joy who she is? Do she know who she is? Can she believe in her self? She has to understand her self. That she is "Worth so much more. Life come from her she pushes life out of her. That life grows an grows and it becomes something. Can she "smile freely or is there Pain in her eyes. From her fellings not being Heard I would hope that she look at her self an tell her self. That I am a Woman I have life inside of me. I'm not cheap at all my maid is great an strong. And I will not let you pull me down. Life is what I make it and I'm going to make it the best because. I won't the best an why shouldn't I have the best! "CAN SHE". "YES SHE CAN."