
Love is a simple word.   Love is a word that people say weather they mean it ,may take some time.   If I say I love you, an it's  just on my lips who am I trying to fool.  Love, has it been good to you,or has it been a hurting thing?   " Love is humble an it's so sweet to those who use it with tender care.  Love is a action word an it comes with respect.  If you respect love,  should't  love respect you?    You have to look at the person that you have in your life that's telling you, "I Love You"  Love will bring you joy not pain.  Love will fell your hart with so much life.  Love gives all that it has to give and it will all ways give it's "Best".  It will never take from you an leave you hurting.  Love all ways meet your needs.   "Love takes  out  time to find out who you are, an what can make you be the best in life.  Remember if you are good to love , love will be good to you an love you back the right way.   "Love don't use it to hurt people use it to help people grow in life.


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