What's The Cost.
Who knew or knows the cost of life. Who can pay for life,love and freedom. We look for love and other people and a lot of us never find what we hope for. The cost of love should be for our Lord and Savior but he's the last one we reach out to. I'll never know the cost of his love for me, I know that it cost him his blood. To be real with my self would be letting Jesus in and letting him teach me the cost. But because I can't see Him, I fight against what I can't see. So I turn to what I can see and holed on, this cost me "BIG TIME.". The cost is not cheap because I end up with so mush sadness. When it's so much easier to open up to Jesus. Who payed the cost? It wasn't me it wasn't you. We walk around like every one kneeds us. When we are in kneed of the same thing, the world is in kneed of. Jesus is the Cost and I'm glad he called my name. The BLOOD of Jesus was the "COST."
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