
Happy comes from a moment of time, things that happen in some ones life. I'm happy because things are going my way. Is this true happiness,NO it is not! I'm happy because I have learn my, self worth! Yes when you can look in my eyes and see them dance. When I'm free to smile from with in and there's a warmth, that comes from me. Happy to be Me, happy to know Me, happy to like Me yes happy to love Me. Happy fellings in the air, happy people every were. Happy because I'm strong, happy because I'm smart. Happy because my kids bring laughter to me! Happy comes with a prices, that you have to fight for. I'm happy because of the JOY that only, comes form our Lord and Savor Jesus. This makes me stand tall and this is were my strength comes from. Happy to live and Love again. Happy to let go of my past. Happy to see my feature!! Happy to know that the days ahead of me, or greater then the days behind me!!! Happy looks good on me and it fits like a glove, you should try it. You should understand that happy is not what you can buy or what you have. But to know you and to know were you come from and were you are going, this brings happy into your life. It plays a big part in your life. It keeps you young. Happy yea I like that.


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