
Showing posts from 2011

Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful Me.

Beautiful on the inside is the real women.  Most of the time she keeps her feelings to her self, she thinks to her self why should I say a word.  He want listen to me any way, she fells so alone. Beautiful, is she?  At this point she doesn't fell that she's Beautiful, nothing about her is, so she thinks. Beautiful looks at her self every thing looks good on , the out side and that's all he looks at anyway, when will he ever really look at me.  The inside of me is were my Beauty lives! She covers up with make up too much lipstick and puts on the wrong outfit. She tells her self  this time he will look at me different, but then again why should I care.  I'm Beautiful on the inside,  its my inside that screams! But I shut it down, I shut it down quickly!   I keep it locked up within myself,  I know that is not right but what can I do?   I'm in to deep, he doesn't even look to see the hurt in my eyes or hear the sound of ...

I Carrie You

You carrie a child for 9mo, you go throw life and death. You bring that baby home and you take care of that child.  Life begin for that child that you brought into the world. Your up late nights with the baby you walk the floor know one knows, what you go throw!  You love this baby with all you have. One day comes along and they are grown and that's when the Pain begins. The child that you have loved all there life treats you like, they don't even know you!  This hurts it's a pain that hits you deep down in your heart.  How can you tell some one this thing?  My child don't Love me to tell you the truth, I don't know if my child Like me.  Yes I like most parnets have made a lot of wrong turns in my life.  But I never stop Loving my child not 1 time.  There may have been things that I could have done better, I know because  I fell short.  I remember looking at this movie called Baby boy when the mother t...

Dare To Love and Be Loved

I look at my self and I ask my self, do I know what love is. I reach out to Love and I think I have found Love. Only to end up hurt by what I think Love should be.  Once again my heart has falling apart by what I think is Love should be.  The thing about Love is that we get it Mix up with Lust !   Lust is a Killer it rush you into a Fire that is OUT OF CONTROL !!   Dare to Love and Be Loved is something that most of us fall so short on.  I guess if I really gave my self time to understand who I was and what I wanted not in you, but in me.  I would, yes, "Dare to Love and Be Loved, it's funny that our whole life we hear about Love.   Yet never  do we understand that if  I cant wait on Love and not let "Lust" take over then I really have, what it takes to Love and Be Loved!   I have had time to learn me.  I'm HAPPY about that" it brings me so much JOY!  I have learn to use my m...

Hey Girl

Hey Girl! They call me hey girl when I pass by.  Hey girl can I walk with you, hery girl can I get your number?   They call me hey girl ,never looking up at my face.  If they did look up, then my eyes would tell them that's not my name!     They call me hey girl no matter what I have on, they never look up at my face, to see the tears that form.   I hate walking by them that hang on a corner with nothing better to do, then call me hey girl as I walk by.   My mama gave me a name and that's who I am.  I'll never let you pull me down with your train of thought, of  hey girl.   Yes, I am a girl that is and yet, becoming a woman.   I'm powerful and I stand for who I am, and for who I want to become. You look at my hips and my behind and yes I know what you see!  I am shape up well but that, is only part of me.  I want be your hey girl, never in a million years!!  You and your dirty ...

What is it about me?

I ask my self what is it about me? What make people turn the head look? Is it my smile, is it the fact that I'm build like a brick house? Are may be the fact that I am a black woman? Dose that have any thing to do with who I am? Who am I and where am I going, life can twist and turn and it will throw u a fast ball as well. Some you can caught it just right. Other times you can drop it all at once. So I pick myself up and look at me, what's next and will it change me! Who am I and where is love if I don't know who I am then how cloud I know love! I would have to love me first! I would have to be good to me first! Now all this sounds so easy for some of us, but for others it hard!!! Yes I think a lot about me if I don't who will? Now dose that make stuck on me? Well I hope not I think it make a lot of who I am! So yes I do know in the long run who I am! And you cna't ever take that from me!