I Carrie You

You carrie a child for 9mo, you go throw life and death. You bring that baby home and you take care of that child.  Life begin for that child that you brought into the world. Your up late nights with the baby you walk the floor know one knows, what you go throw!  You love this baby with all you have. One day comes along and they are grown and that's when the Pain begins. The child that you have loved all there life treats you like, they don't even know you!  This hurts it's a pain that hits you deep down in your heart.  How can you tell some one this thing?  My child don't Love me to tell you the truth, I don't know if my child Like me.  Yes I like most parnets have made a lot of wrong turns in my life.  But I never stop Loving my child not 1 time.  There may have been things that I could have done better, I know because  I fell short.
 I remember looking at this movie called Baby boy when the mother told him "mama need a life too"!  Dont let your life take away from them.  This will come back up in the wrost way I'm just keep it real.  I lost my child when I took my eyes off of her in got into my own thing.  That's a hole new story all by it's self, that cost me so mcuh with my daughter.  Women I know we get lonely but some things are just not ment to be.  If it don't fit don't force it!   Some men we pick are just not for us they don't and will not fit end.  They where dont for you but we want what we want, in if we have not came to that point in our life that we don't love our self then we will go for any thing!  The any thing might cost you your child "Dont do it"!  I'm making up for this even as I'm doing this blog, where almost there but man how this has hurt her and me!  I carrie you and I am not going to lose you the Fight is almost over.  I had to ask for, forgiveness from my child because I dorop the ball yes I did.  God help me to pick it back up.  I hope He helps you to pick it back up.  I carrie you and you belong to me!


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