First Lady

  1. How do we proceed  what a First Lady is society has told us that a First Lady is a woman that's stands beside a Man of power and of  authority!                         She's always dressed well, and some of them love to put hats on when its Sunday morning. 
          Sometimes she stands next to her    man as they meet and greet people, she often has the most perfect smile.         First Lady has been well trained.       Some women are field with jealous as they often smile in her face. 

          Well ladies there is another point of view another way to see things as they really are.  U may not have a great man of power and authority standing beside you.  You may not have a man of great influences in your life either. 

          But you have the greatest Man of all and that's King Jesus, so I would think that this would qualify you, as a First Lady!
You pay all the bills in you're home you make sure you're kids are talking good care of, yes you don't miss a step!         You also try an make time for you as well. 
I would think that this will qualify you as a First Lady,  because you are in every way.                                                                      You smile and greet people as well, you also dress for the occasion as well too!  the only difference is no one sees your great man he's not in the natural but he's standing right there greater than ever!

               God calls you His First Lady, and He groom's you to be very eloquent, very successful, He hand picked you!  When He sands you the great man of power, and of authority in the natural you will be ready.   Until then you are His first lady in the making by God!

                          First Lady! 


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