
Showing posts from May, 2010

Love Called My Name

I heard my name called out. with such much passion, yes Love called my name! So sweet the sound it made when Love called me Bridget. Love called me by my name it's as if it has known me all my life! Tall and dark Love makes me Beautiful again, this time Love came for me. It took a long time to hear Love call my name. So many times I got the wrong call. And it would hurt over and over again. But this Love called me with such tenderness and warmth that makes me fell like, I'm a supper woman! Love talks to me and we talk very deep. Oh yes this Love called and I answered soft and sweet. Love called my name and I'm glad, Love makes me smile and I feel like I'm 20 years old. New and fresh Love called me Bridget! Love ask me lady were have you been? I told Love I was yet beeing made. Made to know this time when Love calls my name it would be from God, throw God,by God, for God! This Love is for the up building, of the Kingdom of our Lord and Savor Jesus. This Lov...


Happy comes from a moment of time, things that happen in some ones life. I'm happy because things are going my way. Is this true happiness,NO it is not! I'm happy because I have learn my, self worth! Yes when you can look in my eyes and see them dance. When I'm free to smile from with in and there's a warmth, that comes from me. Happy to be Me, happy to know Me, happy to like Me yes happy to love Me. Happy fellings in the air, happy people every were. Happy because I'm strong, happy because I'm smart. Happy because my kids bring laughter to me! Happy comes with a prices, that you have to fight for. I'm happy because of the JOY that only, comes form our Lord and Savor Jesus. This makes me stand tall and this is were my strength comes from. Happy to live and Love again. Happy to let go of my past. Happy to see my feature!! Happy to know that the days ahead of me, or greater then the days behind me!!! Happy looks good on me and it fits like a gl...

Behind Every Man There's A Good Woman.

They say behind every man there's a good woman. What happen's if the woman is the one that is , holding every thing down? Shouldn't it also be, behind every woman there's a good man? What is a good woman, what is a good man? Do we really know that a good man or a good woman, can stand on there own. A good man takes care of his house hole, he see to every thing. He never takes from his woman. The word of God tell us, "A man that find a wife, he finds a good thing and has favor in the lord. Why is that? She becomes his good thing and when it's good it's good right. Yes but when it's bad man he can make her, fell so very bad. That is NOT GOOD. We shouldn't let this define our love, or who we are. Behind each other is the right thing. He fight for her and takes a, stand for his woman. She fight for him and she takes, a stand for her man. But I got to tell you, If you got a man and he is a taker! You need to let that gooooo!...