What is it about me?
I ask my self what is it about me? What make people turn the head look? Is it my smile, is it the fact that I'm build like a brick house? Are may be the fact that I am a black woman? Dose that have any thing to do with who I am? Who am I and where am I going, life can twist and turn and it will throw u a fast ball as well. Some you can caught it just right. Other times you can drop it all at once. So I pick myself up and look at me, what's next and will it change me! Who am I and where is love if I don't know who I am then how cloud I know love! I would have to love me first! I would have to be good to me first! Now all this sounds so easy for some of us, but for others it hard!!! Yes I think a lot about me if I don't who will? Now dose that make stuck on me? Well I hope not I think it make a lot of who I am! So yes I do know in the long run who I am! And you cna't ever take that from me!